The Bey
The ‘Bey’ or ‘Kiopek Bey’ custom takes place every February at Carnival time, just before Lent starts. Different versions of the tradition you can see in the areas Didimoticho, Orestiada and Trigono.
In its original form, A ‘Bey’ (Turkish Lord or administrative leader or chief) visits every village home with his entourage wishing everybody well and receiving treats.
A dramatization of plowing, planting and sexual intercourse follows, symbolizing death and resurrection.
Archeologist and Folklore expert Konstantinos Romaios (1874-1966) came to the conclusion that ‘’ these customs travel through the centuries up to the present day altered a little but still very much alive in the common mind’’. And also, ‘’the tradition of Ash Monday is a perfect example of a timeless and unified ritual that is maintained throughout Greece the only change being the diversity of names and form. (K. Romaios, ‘’Popular Worship in Thrace’’-Thracean Folklore and Linguistic treasure records t. IA’ P.1-131).